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Parent Communication October 2022

Stay in touch with what is happening across the Derby College Group


Current students at DCG

Term Dates

Parents Evening Dates

Prospective students of DCG

DCG Open Days


Parents Consultation Evenings are an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s subject teacher to discuss their progress on their course.

Our online booking system is now live for the Year 2, November events. Click on the event you want to attend below to find out more and book your slot. Online booking for the other events listed will be available soon, we will contact you again when the system is live.

Year 2 students

The Roundhouse – 15th November 2022
The Joseph Wright Centre – 16th November 2022
Broomfield Hall – 17th November 2022
Broomfield Hall – 24th January 2023
The Roundhouse – 25th January 2023
The Joseph Wright Centre – 26th January 2023
Virtual catch-ups (on Teams or Phone) – 13th – 17th March 2023

Year 1 students

The Roundhouse – 6th December 2022
The Joseph Wright Centre – 7th December 2022
Broomfield Hall – 8th December 2022


The Careers team are always on hand to support all students with a range of areas, including making decisions about their next step options, ways to identify and develop their strengths, skills and abilities in relation to their next step and practical help with making applications and preparing CVs.

The team can be contacted by email: or your child can drop in and visit us onsite at: The Careers Centre, room K101 at the Roundhouse, The Library at the Joseph Wright Centre, Student Services at Broomfield or the Café area at Ilkeston (Thursdays only).

There are a wide range of helpful resources which can be found on the College’s Moodle site, on the ‘My Career’ pages. Students can access Moodle from anywhere, via the Derby College website, using their College log on details.

The ‘My Career’ pages contain various sections where information, advice and support is provided about the many progression pathways available, including; apprenticeships, jobs, further study and Higher Education.

The ‘My Career’ resources will help students explore their options, at set points of the College year, known as ‘Careers Pitstops’- which will take place within tutorial sessions.

The site also houses Kudos, which students can use to explore a range of career options. Kudos is especially useful for those who are unsure about which way to go next as it suggests a number of job areas the user may better suited to, based on them answering a range of questions about their skill, interests, likes, dislikes and motivations.

Reach for the stars: Introducing Ad Astra

As Astra is a focussed set of initiatives open to all Level 3 students at the College. The initiatives aim to either inspire and/or develop a students’ skillset to help them move towards or discover their dream career. Students need to attend and participate in Ad Astra activities that are promoted in their tutorials. The scheme also recognises work a student may be involved with outside of their curriculum

The Ad Astra group is made up of Teachers, Careers Advisers and Pastoral Coaches all working collaboratively to ensure our students get access to the right people, in the right organisations, at the right time.

Students will be able to gain recognition for the additional input and reflection via the Ad Astra programme and gain an Ad Astra Enrichment Award which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels to help them move forward.

Linked to this is the College’s proud support of competitive applications to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, plus for degrees in medicine, veterinary, dentistry and law (plus many more). The Careers team work closely with students to ensure they receive the right information and targeted help at the relevant time.

Please tell your child to look out for #Ad Astra

Higher Education focus

Across all sites, Level 3, Year 2 students will have recently received a tutorial session giving information and support about the option of applying for Higher Education (university level study).

Students can access a comprehensive booklet covering areas such as the Higher Education research and application process, key college and national deadline dates and guidance on writing a personal statement (the booklet can be accessed on ‘My Career’ and the team also have paper copies available).

In addition, level 3, year 2 students who wish to look at alternative, non-Higher Education options such as apprenticeships/employment have also participated in a recent tutorial session focussing on those options.



Your child will be receiving emails providing them with instructions on how to start their online enrolment.


To start the enrolment process your child must first apply online, find out how to apply online.

Rest assured all applications are being processed and we’ll be in touch whenever there are updates. Please make sure your child checks their Inbox (don’t forget to check the spam/junk folder too!).

All Applicants set up an ‘InTouch Account’ with us. Your child can check the progress of their application via their account and can contact us with any questions by logging into their InTouch portal.

If you need to contact us directly about your child’s application, you can call us on 0800 028 0289.

Parent and Carer Support

Join the DCG Parent and Carer Support Group…

We have created a Parent and Carer Support Group on Facebook, as a place for you to:

  • Access resources and content related to well-being, careers, study skills
  • Ask questions and offer suggestions related to College
  • Network and support other parents and carers.

The page is managed by the Student Pastoral Coaches from each campus who can answer your queries. Join the DCG Parent and Carer Support Group

How to check your childs progress, attendance and targets – Access the Parents Portal

We have a dedicated online Parents Portal for you to log onto. The Parents Portal enables you to view your child’s live attendance, progress reports and SMART Targets. Access the Parents Portal

Please note: some parents may not have access to parent portal due to consent not being given. If your child would like to give you consent to access the portal they need to visit Student Services.

Parent Voice

Your views matter to us and the feedback you provide will help us shape the service we provide your son, daughter or child in your care at Derby College. If you would like to tell us your views please email Parent Voice

FREE Gaming and Gambling Awareness Workshops

YGAM want to support you to have meaningful interactions with your children, covering the topics of gaming and gambling with the aim of preventing future harms.

YGAM deliver workshops to both parents and those supporting children in care. Find out more about and book a session Workshops Archive – Parents.Ygam

Will your child be requesting the same exam support as they had at school? Your child will need to provide a copy of one of the following from their previous school or centre of learning before we can review access arrangements for them at College:

  • Form 8 report
  • Access Arrangements Online (AAO) approval
  • Centre File Note
  • Confirmation of your previous exam access arrangements (on letter headed paper or an email from previous school/centre of learning)
  • EHCP

The deadline for you providing this evidence is October Half Term.

Please contact your school or previous centre as soon as possible. Ask the SENCO / Head of Centre for exams to give you a copy of your evidence.

Exam access arrangements from school do not automatically carry over to college. We will need to meet with you to review your arrangements after we have received your information from school/previous centre.

Please email your evidence to: or take your evidence to the Inclusion Base Room at your site.

Evidence provided after the deadline will not be processed and appeals will not be possible.


More information for Parents and Carers can be found on the DCG website.