Declan Dean

Study Type: School Leaver Vocational
Study Location: Joseph Wright Centre
Subject Studied: Music
Bassist and former DCG music student Declan all set for LIPA
Choosing to study music at school when he was 13 marked the start of a thrilling adventure for former Derby College Group student Declan Dean.
Five years on, Declan is about to begin a music degree at the world famous Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) along with best friend and fellow DCG student Owen Doherty.
Declan said: “I was friends with Owen throughout school and it’s mainly down to him that I got into music. I was quite shy when I was in Year 9 so I chose to do the course because he was on it.
“I loved learning music, so like Owen, I enrolled at Joseph Wright Centre to take the Performance – Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Centre along with A-Level Computer Science when I left school.”
Since those Year 9 days, Declan has developed a talent as a bassist and would like to work as a session musician – or possibly play bass in his own band – once he graduates from LIPA.
Declan, who got a distinction in his diploma, added: “I really liked Joseph Wright. The music studio is so good.
“The PA system, soundproofing and things like the bass amps are cool and the recording equipment is great too.
“I got on with my lecturer, Matt, too. He’s very direct and tells you exactly how it is, so you can choose to listen to him or not.”
Declan likes rock bands such as the Foo Fighters but is also interested in in other musical genres, including jazz.
Currently in a band with Owen, he shares songwriting duties.
He added: “Owen does the harmonies and lyrics and I supply the bass lines. For me, right since I was very young it’s always been about the rhythm rather than the tune.
I’m so looking forward to going to LIPA. It’s so well thought of and hard to get into. There will be so many opportunities for us to play with other musicians, start new bands and get gigs.”
I really liked Joseph Wright. The music studio is so good.