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How to get involved

We are currently looking for people to take part in various DCG Environmental Action Groups, for more information on how to get involved, contact:

Mollie Cox
Environmental and Sustainability Officer

10 Ways you can help right now

Tell your Member of Parliament, local councillors, and city mayors that you think action on climate change is important. Find out who your MP is, and the best way to contact them.

This briefing paper and animation highlight the co-benefits of climate action, and why it is particularly relevant for decision-makers in cities and devolved regions. Share it with your local MP.

Contact the brands you buy from and get them to tell you how their products are sourced. Use social media – this is one of the most effective ways to get brands to listen to you, so tell them that you want a change.

Join a social movement or campaign that focuses on environmental activities or gets everyone talking about climate change action, such as the College Environmental Action Group, Youth Strike 4 Climate or Extinction Rebellion.

It is not just about speaking to the people in charge. Talk to your friends, neighbours and colleagues and get them to make positive changes too. Speak up, speak to everyone, and make your voice heard.

Transport has become the largest emitting sector of the UK economy, accounting for 28% of UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2017.

One of the most efficient ways of lowering your environmental impact is by travelling responsibly. This means, whenever you can, choosing a more sustainable way to get from A to B – walk or cycle when you can.

Hold meetings online instead of travelling to see people in person.

Ask yourself:

  1. Why do I want it? Cleaver marketing or genuine need?
  2. Do I need it?
  3. Will I use it?
  4. Is this a sustainable product for people and planet?
  5. Has it been ethically made and resourced?

Avoiding meat and dairy products is one of the biggest ways to reduce your environmental impact on the planet. Eat more plant-based meals – your body and the planet will thank you.

Re-use plastic bags. Avoid buying plastic bottles. Use glass bottles or bottles made from ceramic.

Plants are essential for Bees and air filtering. Aim to buy plants that are grown locally or at least in this country. That is better for the environment too!

Try to refuse single use plastics – packaging, bags and straws – take alternatives with you.
Shop at plastic and zero waste supermarkets.
Ensure printed documents are double-sided.
Buy sturdy cloth or recyclable bags that can be reused.
Buy a larger container instead of two smaller ones.
Buy products that do more than one thing—for example, 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner.
Buy concentrated products or compact packages, such as juices, fabric softeners, and cleaners you can mix with water at home.
Look for products with minimal packaging- so that you will have less to throw away.
In an effort to reduce waste, reuse items instead of buying new ones. For every item that cannot be refused, reduced, try reusing or repurposing it.

Taking shorter showers is a great way to preserve water, and it should save you money, too.

Turn your thermostat down by 2 degrees from 20°C to 18°C.
Use radiator valves to turn off heating in unused rooms.

If we work together, we can all enjoy a healthier Earth.