Level 2 Community Activator Coach Apprenticeship Standard
The new apprenticeship standards have been developed by employer groups for specific occupations. They contain on-programme training and an end-point assessment.
Course Summary

Course Information for Students
Who is this course for?
The new apprenticeship standards have been developed by employer groups for specific occupations. They contain on-programme training and an end-point assessment. The end-point assessment must be delivered by an independent organisation recognised on the Register of Apprentice Assessment Organisations. Employers of apprentices will select an organisation from the Register to conduct independent end-point assessment of their apprentices.
For candidates to undertake this apprenticeship, they will need to be focussed on coaching activities to improve health, wellbeing and fitness in a community setting for a range of age groups. Preferably candidates will already have an employer ready to start their apprenticeship.
Candidates will also have the opportunity to complete just a Gym Instructing pathway route.
Entry Requirements
Preferably candidates should have already achieved grade 4 or above in English and Maths GCSE or should have achieved a Level 2 equivalent qualification. If this has not been achieved, it will form a mandatory element of your apprenticeship.
Candidates should be able to show they have a background in engaging in coaching activities or fitness.
What will you learn?
The Promoting Community Health and Wellbeing content includes:
- Promoting healthy lifestyles and physical activity
- Planning an activity session
- Delivering an activity session
- Alcohol awareness
- Smoking cessation
- Nutrition and healthy eating
- Data protection
The Gym Instructing Pathway content includes:
- Anatomy and physiology
- Nutrition
- Principles of exercise
- Working with clients
- Health and safety
You will also complete a Safeguarding qualification.
It is also possible to complete a Level 3 Apprenticeship by taking a Level 3 Diploma in Coaching Sport.
English and maths will be included if required.
How will you learn?
This course will be delivered in the workplace and on-site.
What will you need to bring with you?
There are no additional costs. You may be required to attend classes away from the work environment in order to fulfil the knowledge required to complete the apprenticeship. This may result in travel costs.
How will you be assessed?
When you are adjudged to be ready for end-point assessment, you will be entered for your final assessments. As you progress through the course, you will need to be revising information, implementing strategies, designing and recording activities, and compiling reflective practice that will be collated in a portfolio of evidence. This evidence will be relied upon in order for you to meet the assessment standards at the end of your apprenticeship. It will consist of:
- Practical observation with questions and answers
- Presentation with questions and answers
- Interview
Where next?
Further Study
- Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training
- Community Coaching roles
- Health and Wellness Officer roles
Who do you contact for more information?
For more information contact Derby College on 0800 0280289 or enquiries@derby-college.ac.uk
Is there any financial support available?
Course Information for Employers
Apprenticeship summary
20% (one day per week) of the apprenticeship needs to be set aside specifically for the completion of apprenticeship evidence.
The Promoting Community Health and Wellbeing content includes:
- Unit 1: Promoting healthy lifestyles and physical activity
- Unit 2: Planning an activity session
- Unit 3: Delivering an activity session
- Alcohol awareness
- Smoking cessation
- Nutrition and healthy eating
- Data protection
- Safeguarding
It is possible to also complete the Level 3 Diploma in Coaching Sport.
When the apprentice is adjudged to be ready for end-point assessment, they will be entered for their final assessments. As the employer, you will decide who carries out this end-point assessment of your apprentice.
Each apprentice needs to revise information, implement strategies, design and record activities that will be collated in a portfolio of evidence. The apprentice should have your support (or that of their supervisor) to ensure they are learning on the job. The apprentices are assessed in three ways:
- Practical observation with questions and answers
- Presentation with questions and answers
- Interview
Are they any entry requirements for my apprentice?
Preferably candidates should have already achieved grade 4 or above in English and Maths GCSE or should have achieved a Level 2 equivalent qualification.
Candidates should be able to show a background in engaging in coaching activities or fitness.
What is required from the employer in the workplace?
Each apprentice needs to be able to carry out the expectations of the standards. They need to be working with clients (under supervision) in order to design and implement health and wellbeing programmes, encourage healthy behaviours and develop their professional practices. They will also need to understand aspects of safeguarding and data protection.
Behaviours expected within the role
Professional behaviours are expected that are pertinent to the job role. These behaviours should mirror the existing workforce in line with the company’s policies and procedures. Excellent customer service is expected.
What qualification will my apprentice gain?
As part of this standard, candidates will have the opportunity to complete the:
- Level 2 Certificate in Promoting Community Health and Wellbeing
- Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instruction
- Level 3 Diploma in Coaching Sport
Along with:
- Level 2 Safeguarding Children and Young Adults
What will the assessment look like?
The apprentices are assessed in three ways:
- Practical observation with questions and answers
- Presentation with questions and answers
- Interview
Will my apprentice need to come into college?
They may be invited to attend an evening class at Broomfield Hall campus to cover the demands of the Level 2 Gym Instruction content. An assessor will also visit their workplace. It is expected that 20% of their time should be set aside for working on their apprenticeship evidence.
Is there any specialist equipment required?
You must be able to provide access to the local community in order for the apprentice to be able to practise their coaching, health assessments and advising. The apprentice should be able to coach in different locations and provide a range of activities.
What progression can my apprentice expect after completion of their apprenticeship?
Other CPD courses include:
- Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training
- Level 3 Diploma in Coaching Sport
What job roles will this apprenticeship be suitable for?
- Community Coach
- School Sport Coach
Will the college help me find an apprentice?
You may already have someone in your organisation or someone has come to you direct asking for an apprenticeship, but if you don’t we have a free recruitment service to help you hire the best candidate for your organisation from our talent pool and external advertising through social media and the national apprenticeship services website
Contact us
If you are an employer and you would like to know more, please email businessenquiries@derby-college.ac.uk or call 01332 387421
Career Information
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Course Information Last Updated On: November 25, 2024 11:15 am